International conference

전체 70
번호 제목
70 Seunghwan Lee, Dohyuk Kim, and Dong-Joon Shin, "Fast, compact and hardware friendly bootstrapping in less than 3ms using Multiple Instruction Multiple Ciphertext." submitted to Eurocrypt25
69 Dohyuk Kim, Seunghwan Lee and Dong-Joon Shin, "Homomorphic Equal and Less Than Query Protocol," IEEE International Conference on Network Intelligence and Digital Content (IC-NIDC), Nov. 3-5 2023
68 Jinhang Kim, Dongwoo Han, Dong-Joon Shin, "Memory Reduction Implementation of NTT: Cornerstone of PQC Implementation on Low-end Hardware" Korean International Semiconductor Conference on Manufacturing Technology 2022, Nov. 13-16. 2022
67 Hwiyoung Youn, Soonhee Kwon, Hyunhee Lee, Jiho Kim, Songnam Hong and Dong-Joon Shin, "Construction of Error Correcting Output Codes for Robust Deep Neural Networks Based on Label Grouping Scheme" IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content(IC-NIDC), Nov. 17-19. 2021
66 Jiho Kim, Soonhee Kwon, and Dong-Joon Shin, "Statistical Approach for Blind Recognition of Narrow-sense BCH Codes," International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content(IC-NIDC), August 22-24, 2018, pp. 363 - 366.
65 Jaehong Kim, Jong-Seon No, and Dong-Joon Shin, "Two-way relaying schemes with Alamouti code," International Conference on ICT Convergence 2014(Busan, Korea), October 22-24, 2014, pp. 638-639.
64 Jun-Young Woo, Kee-Hoon Kim, Kang-Seok Lee, Jong-Seon No, and Dong-Joon Shin,"Oversampling analysis of CORR metric for selected mapping scheme of OFDM signals," URSI Asia-Pacific International Conference on Radio Science(Seoul, Korea), August 21-25, 2016, pp. 1889-1891.
63 Jun Ho Ok, Dong-Joon Shin, "Adaptive Signal Scheme for High-Speed and Small Target in Radar System," 3rd International Conference on Materials and Reliability (ICMR 2015), November 23-25, 2015, pp. 287-288.
Minki Song, Jinsoo Lim, Dong-Joon Shin, "The Velocity and Range Detection Using the 2D-FFT Scheme for Automotive Radars," IC-NIDC, September 20, 2014, pp.507-510.
Minki Song, Jinsoo Lim, Dong-Joon Shin, Jinho Sohn, "Enhancing Doppler Estimation Via Newton Interpolation For Automotive FMCW Radars," ICT Convergence (ICTC), October 22-24, 2014, pp.615-616.