International journal

전체 71
번호 제목
71 Hyeong-Gun Joo, Seunghwan Lee and Dong-Joon Shin, "Extended Number Theoretic Transform for Light-weight Post-quantum Cryptosystems in IoT." accepted to IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 24.11
70 Seunghwan Lee and Dong-Joon Shin, "Overflow-detectable Floating-point Fully Homomorphic Encryption." IEEE Access, Vol. 12, pp. 6160-6180, Jan. 2024.
69 Jiho Kim, Hyeong-Gun Joo, and Dong-Joon Shin, "Effective Bi-directional Overlapped Sliding Window Decoding of SC-LDPC Codes" accepted to ICT Express, Nov 2023.
68 Soonhee Kwon, Jiho Kim, Jaesang Noh, and Dong-Joon Shin, "Advanced Metadata Utilizing Single Device Data Correction of DRAM Systems for IoT" submitted to IEEE Internet of Things, Nov 2022.
67 Jiho Kim, Soonhee Kwon, Jeasang Noh, and Dong-Joon Shin, "Construction of Cyclic Redundancy Check Codes for SDDC Decoding in DRAM Systems," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, Vol. 70, iss. 2, pp. 736-740, Feb 2023.
66 Jiho Kim and Dong-Joon Shin, "A Nonuniform-Quantized Successive Cancellation Decoding of Polar Codes over AWGN Channels," IEEE Access, Vol. 9, pp. 80221-80235, May 2021.
65 Soonhee Kwon and Dong-Joon Shin, "Blind Classification of Error-Correcting Codes for Enhancing Spectral Efficiency of Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 651-663, Sep. 2021.
64 Ji-Hwan Choi and Dong-Joon Shin, "User-Centric Handover Based on Dual Initiation for Latency Reduction in 5G and Beyond Mobile Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Submitted.
63 Minki Song, Jiho Kim, and Dong-Joon Shin, "Blind Reconstruction of BCH and RS Codes Using Single-Error Correction." IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 69, pp. 5120-5133, Sep. 2021.
62 Minki Song and Dong-Joon Shin, "Asymptotic Analysis of Blind Reconstruction of BCH Codes Based on Consecutive Roots of Generator Polynomials." IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 206514-206526, Nov. 2020.